Sacral Fire Immersion Experience Human Design - Magda Pawlik


Sacral Fire Immersion Experience

Tap into the power and magnetism of your Sacral Center to co-create the most aligned next level of your reality



Sacral Fire Immersion Experience Human Design - Magda Pawlik


Sacral Fire Immersion Experience

Tap into the power and magnetism of your Sacral Center to co-create the most aligned next level of your reality




Does this sound like you?

Does this sound like you?

You are a driven, passionate woman who wears many hats—mother, entrepreneur, creator

You don't know how your Sacral is supposed to feel in your body or you don't feel it at all

You’re deeply committed to personal growth

You know there’s more for you, but something still feels out of alignment

You feel a ton of resentment that's halting your growth, sucking the life, energy, and joy out of your work

You’re tired of second-guessing yourself, feeling drained by daily decisions, and struggling to tap into your creative flow


Is that what you want?

Make ripples of impact with money and resources = money, time, and energy rich

Attract soul-aligned clients who happily pay you for your genius

To move through life with ease

Confidently trusting your gut and making decisions without overthinking

You want to feel energised, not just surviving but thriving

You want your work, creativity, and relationships to flow, free from the stress of constant doubt and burnout



See how your life + business can change when you finally understand how to tap into your sacral magic

See how your life + business can change when you finally understand how to tap into your sacral magic

When you know how you are designed to work, what patterns, environment and situations could help you get in the zone, and how the sacral response feels in your body


Disconnected from sacral

Disconnected from sacral

Not knowing how to move fast in business

You say YES to running a high-ticket mastermind you have zero passion for, only to realize you now have to spend the next three months promoting it. You're stuck recording endless Instagram stories, trying to fake excitement about something you secretly hate

Your mornings start at 5 AM because you're convinced that the 5 AM club will change your life, but by noon you're crashing on your third cup of coffee, wondering why you're doing this to yourself when you hate early mornings

You're on yet another Zoom call at 9 PM, listening to a client complain about the same issue for the tenth time this month. You're nodding along, but mentally counting down the minutes until you can escape—yet you still agree to the next meeting

Your inbox is overflowing with inquiries, collaboration requests, and invitations to speak at prestigious events, but instead of feeling excited, you have your assistant turn them down because they all sound like the same thing. You know how to play the game, but it feels like you're stuck on repeat

You've bought another online programme you’ll never finish, but it felt like the right move at the time—because everyone else is doing it, right?


Tapped into sacral magnetism

You're not wasting time + are ready for the big moves and know how to make them

You tap into your sacral to create offers that feel exciting and fresh each time, allowing yourself to innovate instead of recycle. Launches feel aligned and fun, not like a grind, because you're only delivering what you're truly passionate about. Promotions become easy and fun because you're genuinely excited about your work. No more forcing yourself into programs that don’t inspire you—now, every project feels like a natural extension of your true desires

You design you days around what feels good to you. Maybe you wake up later, work in spurts of inspiration, and follow a flow that energizes you instead of forcing yourself into someone else’s routine. Your sacral leads you to a schedule that feels natural and fulfilling

You no longer take on clients who drain you. You set clear boundaries around your time, working only with people who excite you. Now, you evenings are reserved for activities that light you up—whether that’s creative work, connection, or fun

You effortlessly identify which projects feel like a sacral ‘yes,’ choosing to collaborate only on things that spark joy. The opportunities that align with you vision light you up, and you have no hesitation about saying ‘no’ to everything else

You've tried mindset work, self-help books, maybe even meditation or therapy. You’ve tried pushing through and making things happen by sheer force of will.

But that DIDN'T work because

But that DIDN'T work because

it didn't address the root cause—the disconnect between your mind and body, especially your sacral energy. It kept you in your head, overthinking, while your true power and clarity lie in your body’s intuitive wisdom.


Stop spinning your wheels and start living in true alignment with your sacral energy

Stop spinning your wheels and start living in true alignment with your sacral energy


Let's understand your Sacral on another level

Let's understand your Sacral on another level

I'm a 6/2 Sacral Manifesting Generator with a powerful 2-14 channel to help you direct the energy of your sacral center


 You will know EXACTLY how to change your reality in alignment to your sacral YES & NO

 You will know EXACTLY how to change your reality in alignment to your sacral YES & NO

 You will know EXACTLY how to change your reality in alignment to your sacral YES & NO


How to trust your sacral response and make decisions confidently without overthinking.

Practical tools to shift from feeling 'meh', burnout and exhaustion to vibrant, sustainable energy in your everyday life.

How to do daily practices that align your body’s energy cycles with your goals and desires, making life flow naturally.

How to have the clarity and creativity you’ve been craving, able to express yourself fully and move through life with empowered ease.


This could be your reality

Imagine not wasting time and not spending days, weeks and months on decisions and moving faster.

Think about what it's costing you to not have this inner certainty and clarity when you're wasting all this time stuck on a small decisions.

You've got the defined sacral - use it properly!

Hear from my satisfied customers

Discover what our clients have to say about their experience with me.

Sacral Fire Immersion Experience Human Design - Magda Pawlik

Sacral Fire Immersion Experience



Choose to pay in USD, GBP or PLN. Non-refundable. Lifetime access to the resources

Sacral Fire Immersion Experience Human Design - Magda Pawlik

Sacral Fire Immersion Experience



Choose to pay in USD, GBP or PLN. Non-refundable. Lifetime access to the resources

If you're not sure what energy type you are in Human Design, you can check this here

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© 2024 Magda Pawlik Online. All rights reserved.

Magda Pawlik can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Magda Pawlik products, and that we have not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.

© 2024 Magda Pawlik Online. All rights reserved.

Magda Pawlik can not and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any money with our ideas, information, tools, or strategies. You recognize and agree that we have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Magda Pawlik products, and that we have not authorized any such projection, promise, or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings.