Magda Pawlik




Human Design Sessions

Human Design Sessions

Human Design Sessions

Serving impact-driven and purpose-led change makers to unlock the new levels of alignment and prosperity in their life and business

Serving impact-driven and purpose-led change makers to unlock the new levels of alignment and prosperity in their life and business

Serving impact-driven and purpose-led change makers to unlock the new levels of alignment and prosperity in their life and business

it's your job to

it's your job to

Cultivate an online presence that embodies who you are, what you stand for, and what you want to be known for.

Cultivate an online presence that embodies who you are, what you stand for, and what you want to be known for.

No 3rd party framework will give you all the answers you're looking for. Ready to tackle the self-discovery part?

No 3rd party framework will give you all the answers you're looking for. Ready to tackle the self-discovery part?



The Coaching Catalyst:
design decoder

The Coaching Catalyst:
design decoder

The Coaching Catalyst:
design decoder

Personalized Human Design readings for participants in high-ticket programs or masterminds.

Personalized Human Design readings for participants in high-ticket programs or masterminds.


I learned information about myself that was extremely validating and that will help me exponentially in building my own business.

I learned information about myself that was extremely validating and that will help me exponentially in building my own business.

I learned information about myself that was extremely validating and that will help me exponentially in building my own business.

-Emily Kelly, Medium & Tarot Reader

-Emily Kelly, Medium & Tarot Reader

why this approach

why this approach

To find the answers, go within.

To find the answers, go within.

Only by knowing yourself, you'll gain a deep understanding of where you can find flow and alignment and how you best make informed decisions. Imagine leading with clarity, communicating effectively, and experiencing a profound sense of fulfilment in your work. You won't be able to make the impact and sell your offers if your customers don't know 'who' you are.

Only by knowing yourself, you'll gain a deep understanding of where you can find flow and alignment and how you best make informed decisions. Imagine leading with clarity, communicating effectively, and experiencing a profound sense of fulfilment in your work. You won't be able to make the impact and sell your offers if your customers don't know 'who' you are.



Ready to elevate the brand of you?

Ready to elevate the brand of you?

Ready to elevate the brand of you?

Let me know how I can help you do that and more

Let me know how I can help you do that and more